Every STORY is a data point that illustrates social impact


Strip back the unnecessary

We use lean human-centric approaches that help companies measure, manage, and communicate their social and ecological impact.

Why Measure Impact

Demonstrate your impact

Use tangible metrics to share personal stories about the social impact you create and elevate marketing purposes.

Make strategic decisions

Build a positive brand and use evidence based decisions to maximize your impact.

Connect with stakeholders

Build relationships with your customers, establish social impact advocates, and expand your business.

Communicate your impact

Align your brand with the values of a growing socially conscious community.

Learn more about our services and how we help socially minded businesses like yours maximize positive impact

“Maybe stories are just data with a soul.”

— Brené Brown



“Isabelle has an endearing quality of listening to your goals and helping in whatever way she can to facilitate you accomplishing your goals.”



The cultural sensitivity and empathy that Isabelle embodied as she interacted with the clients we were seeking to understand was impressive. She has deep intuition coupled with really broad life experience from growing up in the US and Haiti that is super-valuable in the field.”



“Isabelle is confident in who she is and what she can bring to the table. She knows her strength and does not let her limitations define who she is or what she can accomplish.”

Stay inspired with helpful tips, stories, and news.

Let’s illustrate the impact you create!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.